Harbinger League Mechanic Guide
Farming Strategies
Unlike most league mechanics which require heavy investment to add to maps, for just 3 Atlas Passives (Ominous Arrival), you can put a Harbinger in every single one of your maps. This is a huge amount of added value, for so few points… and with no per-map cost!
This makes Harbinger perfect for an Alch-and-Go mapping strategy.
This is especially lucrative early in a League. Many common Harbinger shards are Basic Currency, which will lose value as a league goes on… but are extremely valuable in the first week of a league. On top of that, the extra map drops from having a Harbinger in every single one of your maps can help immensely with map sustain as you’re progressing your Atlas.
This can be easily combined with any number of other lucrative Alch-and-Go strategies, for lucrative rewards, with virtually no per-map cost!
Low Investment:
While many players focusing primarily on Harbingers will opt for a high investment strategy, there are a number of lower investment strategies for players who want to add Harbingers into other strategies.
Low Investment strategies often pick up additional Harbinger Atlas Passives, and then use cheap methods of adding additional Harbingers to maps. Rusted Harbinger Scarabs are cheap, and will consistently drop more currency than their cost.
In leagues where Harbinger is on the Atlas device, it can also be combined with Atlas passives for huge returns every single map.
High Investment:
High Investment Harbinger strategies are built around maximizing the return of the Harbinger Sextant, to farm for rare currency shards – primarily Ancient Shards and Fracturing Shards.
Because the Harbinger Sextant adds currency shard drops to every boss in a map, it’s important to always combine this strategy with a map layout that has 3 bosses – such as City Square, or Racecourse.
Because the sextant can be pricey, it’s important to maximize your value by also adding as many Harbingers to your map as possible. This means Polished/Gilded Scarabs, Kirac Map mods (if applicable), and every single Harbinger Atlas point.
This strategy usually looks to break even or turn a slight profit on the uncommon shard drops ( Ancient Shards and
Chaos Shards), and then turn a profit whenever a rare shard drops (
Exalted Shards and Fracturing Shards).
Pairs well with:
Delirium scales off of the number of monsters in a map, and Harbinger adds large numbers of additional monsters. Additionally, killing a Harbinger extends your Delirium timer slightly.
The Alch-and-Go farming strategy pairs extremely well with Essence, which can also be added to every single map you run through Atlas passives.
Similar to Essence, Strongboxes can be added to maps through Atlas passives, making them a powerful addition to an Alch-and-Go Harbinger strategy.
Like the Harbinger high investment strategy, Metamorph also synergizes with running maps with multiple bosses, due to its atlas passives that will allow you to build a second Metamorph. This makes it a great mechanic to pair up with High investment Harbinger strategies.