TbXie's Detonate Dead Necromancer Ascendancy, Bandits & Pantheons (PoE Trial of the Ancestors 3.22)
Ascendancy (Witch – Necromancer)
Plaguebringer is basically a 10% Damage Reduction while granting you a 10% More damage multiplier and 30% increased Area of Effect since you will always have corpses around you as you’re casting Desecrate the entire time. Really solid notable overall with nothing in particular to elaborate on.
Corpse Pact
Corpse Pact is a huge QoL node. Through Chill and Shock it offers you a big chunk of damage and survivability. The cast speed it offers is a nice quality of life on top of all that!
Mistress of Sacrifice
Even after its nerf this Ascendancy node remains incredibly potent. It basically gives you 25% Block, Spell Block and a huge amount of Life gained when you block (which is very often). This note by itself makes it worth going for Block on Necromancers and really still is amazing! Getting this in Merciless Labyrinth will make the mapping feel incredibly smooth as long as you keep up the Bone Offering.
Essence Glutton
Essence Glutton enables you to use Energy Shield because if you don’t have a way to sustain Energy Shield it generally isn’t that great. Essence Glutton makes it so you don’t only sustain your Energy Shield but also your Mana. The node is incredibly potent as you’re always around corpses and consuming them! Very solid last pickup!
There really only is one option here. You want to help Eramir for Skill Points. Sure, getting some Resistances and Mana Regeneration from Alira isn’t terrible as a league starter but capping resistances really isn’t an issue on this build! Eramir just offers so much flexibility that it almost always is better than the others!
Major Gods
Soul of Lunaris is probably your best pick. No one has ever said no to some extra Physical Damage Reduction!
Minor Gods
I would recommend Soul of Shakari here as Chaos damage over time can be fairly lethal. The other options don’t really offer us much.
Upgrading your Pantheons
Whilst upgrading your Pantheons never hurts you, it’s not that important for this character. If you have nothing else to do at some point, sure, why not, but it shouldn’t be something you focus on or spend a lot of time on.
Pantheon powers can be upgraded by using Divine Vessel in the Map Device while you are activating the particular Map that contains the boss you need. Once you’ve killed the boss and captured his soul, you can consume the
Divine Vessel, which’ll show up filled in the map device, or deliver it to Sin in Oriath for extra dialogue relating to the game’s lore.